The Women's Ministry of Brighton Baptist Church
Join the women of Brighton Baptist Church as they grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord and think through practical applications to everyday life.
Brighton Baptist WMU's purpose is to nurture, encourage, and equip other women of like faith to us their spiritual gifts given by God to serve him.
Our WMU meets each month on the 1st Tuesday night at 6:00 p.m. We have a great time of fellowship, learning about missions, praying for our missionaries and participating in mission projects which include the Boys’ Ranch, interacting with students at the college, and distributing New Testaments to newborns at Baptist Tipton Hospital. In March we look forward to attending the Missions Get Together in Franklin.
In addition to our WMU, we have upcoming events which allow our ladies to fellowship together. Keep an eye on our events page and Facebook for upcoming events for the women of Brighton Baptist Church.